Wednesday 29 October 2008

The 127th Annual Beijing Spitting Contest

This long-standing and popular competition takes place each year towards the end of November in the grand setting of Tiananmen Square, not far from where Chairman Mao used to be cheered by the book-waving crowds.

Prizes are awarded in different categories: Distance, Volume (capacity - measured by the beakerful of phlem collected from the pavement), and Volume (noise - measured by the number of birds startled from their once-restful perches by the throaty, gutteral hucking sound that precedes the spit). A new category is proving especially popular apparently: Dry-Spit Duration (the longest continuous spitting sound that can be produced, but without actually spitting). Perhaps the 'enjoyment' in this case is somewhat similar to the Fruit Pastilles advert - can you eat a whole one without chewing?

Unfortunately Haze and I won't be in Beijing to witness the festivities first-hand as we depart for Xi'an tonight, but it's been delightful witnessing the locals undertake their preparations and training with such relish. In our time here we've probably seen people capable of podium finishes in all categories - I've even been tempted to cheer on some occasions!

On a separate but related note, Haze has promised me on a number of occasions that if anyone dares to spit in her vicinity when we're on public transport then she will insist (language barrier be damned!) that they clear it up there and then. I'm wondering whether such cirucumstances will arise - I for one will be interested in seeing the sparks fly - be sure, dear reader, I will keep you informed of any developments!


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