Sunday 23 November 2008

Coconut Throwing, and other activities

Yesterday exemplified why going on holiday to somewhere like this is so good - not wishing at all to make those of you reading this in the UK jealous! ;-)

After all the walking in the heat on Friday, we decided to just stay around Suchanaree. Hazel mostly got stuck into her book: "The Sea, The Sea" by Iris Murdoch, and I read a few Dick Francis short stories, picked from the book selection here. We finally got to put to use the snorkel + masks that we've been carrying around with us, but the coral and fish we found just a few dozen yards up the beach from us wasn't all that exciting.

The best aspect of the day for me was feeling utterly unconstrained by feeling the need or requirement to do anything. Though it's been almost 6 weeks since leaving Britain, it's only now we've been able to unwind this far! This is what happens when you have nothing to do:Between the legs throw

And also this:

Overhead Throw

Namaste! Tags: ,,

1 comment:

BIGsis said...

Oh poor you!...You had coral and fish on your beach-front paradise...and they 'weren't all that exciting!' My heart goes out to you both!!! (not!) ;o) Don't mind me....I'm just green with envy!!!